Baptism Questionnaire

Baptism Questionnaire

Date of Birth _________________________________________________________________________
Marital Status: Single – Married- Divorce- Spouse____________________________________________
Name___________________ Date of Birth___________ Name________________ Date of Birth______
Name___________________ Date of Birth___________ Name________________ Date of Birth______
Name___________________ Date of Birth___________ Name________________ Date of Birth______
1. What is the Gospel?__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Have you trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? _________________________________________
3. Why do you want to get baptized?______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Provide a short description of how and when you received Christ as Lord and Savior.
How is Christ changing your life?__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Preparing Your Testimony
On a sheet of paper, write or type your testimony. Be sure to include…
• A clear description of what your life was like before Christ saved you
• A clear description of the events surrounding your conversion
• A clear presentation of the changes in your life since you have come to know Christ
Important Notes
Please limit your testimony to a single (front side only), double-spaced page. Type size should be at least 12 point. Remember to include your name.
Bring your testimony when you meet with the pastor after the morning service for review and approval by a baptism volunteer
Essential Beliefs
There is one true God (YHWH) who always was, who presently is, and who forever will be. He is knowable only because He has revealed Himself to mankind in a way that is comprehensible for our limited capacities.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, is the eternal only begotten son of God. He is fully man and fully God.

Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is co-equal with the Father and Son for all eternity. He is a helper, adviser, strengthener, encourager, ally, and advocate. He is a person, distinct from the Father and Son.
The Scriptures
The Scriptures (39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament) are the inspired Word of God. In their original form they are without error in all they proclaim.
God made humans, both male and female, in His own image with the purpose of glorifying Himself through enjoyment and fellowship with man. Tempted by Satan, man rebelled against God and fell from his sinless state.
Salvation is the free gift of God, by grace alone and through faith alone in the person of Jesus Christ and His work on behalf of mankind. Man’s response to God is founded in the eternal working of the triune God who predestined, called, justified and glorified all believers.
Male and Female as Image Bearers and the Implications for Marriage
God creates each person as male or female, as two distinct, complementary genders who together reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26-27). These distinctions are divinely inspired and are essential to fully understanding the nature of God.
The church is a single worshiping community comprised of all believers in Christ for all time. The church is not a religion, institution or building. Rather it is God’s redeemed people whom He protects, guides, and nurtures. God created His church by calling sinful people into a relationship with Himself, and into unity with Christ and each other.
Counseled by: ______________________________________________ Date_______________
I am in full agreement with these essential beliefs. ______________ Please initial.
Please return to the pastor asap